Welcome, Friends

We're Eastern Westward.

We design high-quality apparel and home goods.

We're best known for our strikingly informative Handy Mugs.

Check out our main collections below, or

The Handy Mug

Find your next coffee's perfect home.

Comes with all the facts you need, so you can do whatever you love doing to its fullest!

Excitably Inquisitive?

Yeah, us too.

We used to be kinda ashamed of it, so we designed this shirt and hat combo to face our fears and announce our nerdiness to the world.

Now you can claim your tribe too, boldly and attractively, on either your chest or your noggin.

Dad Jokes About Heavy Machinery

Just so you understand exactly what it is that we're doing here, yeah?

Eastern Westward
Eastern Westward
Eastern Westward
Eastern Westward

Uniform Goods

The Handy Mug

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